General Counsel

General Counsel/

法律 Department

The General Counsel heads the 法律 Department, which represents Metropolitan, its directors, officers and, on occasion, employees in litigation and administrative proceedings. The office renders legal advice; reviews contracts; and monitors legislation; administrative proceedings; and state and federal legislative and regulatory proposals that could affect Metropolitan. The General Counsel reports directly to the board of directors.

The General Counsel manages outside counsel and coordinates representation of Metropolitan in significant litigation matters. These can include issues related to the State Water Project, Colorado River, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the environment, water quality, real property and workforce matters. The 法律 Department occasionally argues cases in courts, but is more often engaged in settlement discussions, and helps craft 语言 for both legislation and policy.

The body of law dealing with the Colorado River dates back roughly 100 years, and the system of California water rights stretches back to the Gold Rush. As this grand edifice of law has added rooms and wings over the years, Metropolitan’s legal team has helped interpret and shape that structure. When the complexities of water rights are added to the legal challenges of involving matters such as water quality, contract disputes, labor law and environmental statutes, the Office of the General Counsel stays engaged and busy.


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General Counsel's Quarterly & Monthly 报告s

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General Counsel’s Monthly 报告 for 8月ust 2024
9月. 5, 2024
General Counsel’s Monthly 报告 for 8月ust 2024
General Counsel
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Office of the General Counsel Monthly Activity 报告 – July 2024
8月. 15, 2024
Office of the General Counsel Monthly Activity 报告 – July 2024
General Counsel
法律 Quarterly 报告 June 30, 2024
8月. 13, 2024
法律 Quarterly 报告 June 30, 2024
General Counsel
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Office of the General Counsel Monthly Activity 报告 – June 2024
July 4, 2024
Office of the General Counsel Monthly Activity 报告 – June 2024
General Counsel
Office of the General Counsel Monthly Activity 报告 – May 2024
June 10, 2024
Office of the General Counsel Monthly Activity 报告 – May 2024
General Counsel
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Office of the General Counsel Monthly Activity 报告 – April 2024
May 9, 2024
Office of the General Counsel Monthly Activity 报告 – April 2024
General Counsel
法律 Quarterly 报告 March 31, 2024
May 9, 2024
法律 Quarterly 报告 March 31, 2024
General Counsel
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Office of the General Counsel Monthly Activity 报告 – March 2024
April 6, 2024
Office of the General Counsel Monthly Activity 报告 – March 2024
General Counsel
Office of the General Counsel Monthly Activity 报告 – February 2024
March 9, 2024
Office of the General Counsel Monthly Activity 报告 – February 2024